Growing up as a multi sport athlete I found a passion for fitness at an early age. I first began stepping into the weight room at age 14 but as a female in a male dominated space I struggled to find my lane. On one hand, I had a desire to improve my sport performance but on the other I felt like I was supposed to shrink myself. Airbrushed magazine covers and media told me that the thinner I was, the more attractive and valuable I would be. For a long time I thought cardio and ab exercises were the way to go. When it came to strength training I didn’t have a female role model to identify with. It wasn’t until college, while pursuing my bachelors degree in athletic therapy, where I started studying exercise as a tool for both sport performance and rehabilitation where I really hit my stride. I was able to shift my focus from trying to shrink myself to gaining strength and muscle mass. This journey led me to a new found confidence and passion I feel compelled to share with the world. My mission in life is to help as many people develop a healthy and confident relationship with fitness.
I have coached people for 8 years from all walks of life. From high level athletes, to people recovering from orthopaedic surgeries, and everyone in between. I teach people how to move efficiently to decrease pain, risk of injury, and improve their quality of life.